Student Driving Website

Website Design

Student Driving is an e-learning platform that gives the opportunity to students who want to save money from driving lessons and allows them to learn the maneuvers and driving standards online for free. It also gives the choice for students to get in touch with professional instructors where they’d be able to learn physically and recap their lessons online.


The existing design for this website was in dire need of a face-lift. Although information was displayed on the homepage as necessary, certain information was illegible due to colour contrast being below web standards. Padding around information was also inconsistent.

Based of the branding colours of grey, red, black and white as specified by the client, I went ahead to redesign their whole website and various pages required for their updated website. Below are screenshots of the updated design I’ve created for Student Driving.

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Instructional Videos

Multiple instructional videos are hosted on the site where students are able to learn from. It provides an interactive curriculum for students and prepares them for when they physically drive; and eventually their driving test.

The programme is broken down into sections and provides bite sized chunks of information for ease of learning.

Each video allows the student to rate their knowledge of the specific topic. This allows them to see an overall where they require practice in during their next lesson with their family, friend or driving instructor.

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